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Your Shield of Divine Favor


Psalm 5:12 NIV For surely, Oh LORD, you bless the righteous;

You surround them with your favor as with a shield.

You dear friend have a shield of divine favor surrounding you! A shield! A shield! A shield we normally think of as a type of protection, a guard, or a shelter. In this lovely scripture provided by King David, a great military leader very familiar with a shield of protection, we can see the word shield in a new and exciting light. King David says God will surely (meaning absolutely, certainly) bless the righteous. You are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. So, God will absolutely, certainly bless you! And He will surround you with His favor as a shield! This shield that surrounds you is one of favor not necessarily protection, but will act as one also. Favor means benevolence, acts of kindness and goodwill. God's favor stretches far beyond the favor extended on earth by humans. God's favor and goodwill is divine. It is of God and supremely good beyond earthly measure. The divine favor (benevolence and goodwill) of God is an absolute shield that surrounds you as you walk through your day. Take notice! Pay attention! Give God thanks when you see this shield of favor around you in action! God has a shield of His goodness and favor around you. This shield brings good things to you from God. This shield may protect you, but it does not only act as a defensive instrument. Your shield attracts divine goodness to you. Your shield tells the world God's favor is over here, come this way! Your shield covers you with God's good deeds and His acts of kindness. The earth, the angels, heaven and Satan all see this shield favor. They are in agreement it exist and work with it in harmony.

Satan may try to distract you to deny this shield of favor with other circumstances, but that does not mean it does not exist. Satan is very aware of God's divine favor and benevolence that surrounds you. Therefore, he will try to do anything to divert your attention from this most powerful gift from God – favor, God's divine favor! Satan uses the same old tactics to take your eyes off God's favor on you – trouble, confuse, disturb, agitate, harass and more. However, these ploys of Satan still cannot dismiss the fact that: With favor you (God) will surround him (the righteous - you) as with a shield. Psalm 5:12 We simply cannot deny the Word of God! Therefore, go out and see that divine shield of favor surrounding you, attracting good deeds and acts of kindness from God. Visualize it! Think about it throughout your day. Anticipate favor! Count on generous gifts from God in all matters, both physical and spiritual. Look forward to the benevolence of God in your day. And most importantly dear friend, thank your heavenly father before, during and after you see and recognize the favor of God! Thank him now!


Our Father God in heaven, Thank you for directing us to Psalm 5:12 written by your faithful servant David. Thank you for your Word is active and alive. (Hebrews 4:12) And this Word is available to us through Christ Jesus. Thank you that you bless the righteous and have made us righteous. Thank you that you surround us with your favor as with a shield. We will receive this shield of favor and envision it in faith. We will look for and praise you for every sign of your kindness, benevolence and favor we encounter. We will continue throughout the days and nights while our eyes are open praising you for this amazing gift of a shield of favor. We pray these things in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


Well, there you go. That prayer, given to this hand to write from God, gives us our daily instructions and guidance. We all pray, and maybe beg, for God's guidance often. Your prayers have been answered today. God has just given us his Word, his promise, his guidance and a prayer. Wow!


This week dear friends meditate and praise God in this promise:

Psalm 5:12 NIV For surely, Oh LORD, you bless the righteous; You surround them with your favor as with a shield.


Republished 11/15/2021

(Originally published 5/29/2017)

Writer: Truly Peters

Author: GOD


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