Wonderfully made.

Wonderfully Made.
from mother and God
To my child - from mother
I love you deeply and profoundly. I have been completely attached to you since it was made known to me of your arrival into my womb. Seeing the evidence of you through a pregnancy test brought emotions of delight like I never felt before.
My only physical proof of your existence rested in a tiny window on a plastic stick and confirmation through the words of a doctor. Yet an unfamiliar sensation of elation mixed with awe took over my being. I felt as I walked along my day that I appeared a different woman carrying a brilliance of new life in me. To outsiders I may have shown no change in my outward physical self just yet, however I knew that I was no longer my former woman.
I had you.
To my child - from God
I formed your innermost parts, shaping your delicate inside and intricate outside. I knit you together in your mother’s womb, carefully wrapping your skin and flesh to cover your bones as you developed. You see your earlier unformed substance was no secret to me as I gazed upon it and began my creation. I saw your frame when no other eye could. All of your parts are my wonderful design.
You are mine.
Your beginning with mother.
Your beginning with God.
Hi mothers!
God gave me this devotional to write after I found myself worrying about my two daughters and grandson recently. My concerns come from the state of our world now and all its impact on them. I also got caught up in the normal motherly fears that arise due to our protective nature. God directed me to the daily devotional (I Hear His Whisper) that I began for 2021.
He told me to take these loving words from Him in the reading and replace the word "you" with the names of my girls and grandchild. This was a reminder to me that He loves them even greater than I love them, and His care for them is far more superior to anyone on earth. What wonderful relief I received gaining confidence in our Creator. It was just the assurance needed for me to trust in Him, not me. God is faithful. He is their Keeper.
Next He led me to write this devotional for mothers and children. Feel free to share it with your children to let them meet their Creator in a more intimate way. I have enclosed a file with the devotion only if preferred for sharing.
MEDITATE on God's love and goodness to find your JOY. Give your heart something to work with as you go about your day. It is very simple, yet powerful.
1. Choose one sentence or a portion of a sentence to use for the day. Yes, only one! See easy.
2. Focus on each word individually considering its meaning to the sentence. Ponder what God is saying directly to you in that moment.
3. Pray that God will give you revelation and new meaning into what this Word is for you.
4. Ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of the sentence throughout your day.
5. Praise Him for His Word.
Psalm 139: 13-16 NIV
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
(Sources: Psalm 139:13-16 various versions,
John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible and a mother – me)
Lovely song to remind you of God's great love for you!
"All that I am
All that I have
is beautifully made by Your hands."
- Maverick City Music, (feat. Naomi Raine)
Published 1/16/2021
Writer: Truly Kernea
Author: GOD