Vessel of Glory
Lifting You Up
Weekly Devotionals
Week 7 - Vessel of Glory
You are a vessel of my glory.
2 Timothy 2:21 ESV
Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.
The word glory in this verse means God's presence. You are a vessel of God's presence. You contain the presence of our Father God in heaven.
This is you (true believer):
vessel for honorable use
set apart as holy
useful to the master (God) of the house
ready for every good work
Dear vessel of glory (you),
Meditate, ponder and be in awe of your identity as a vessel of glory in Christ. Declare aloud, "I am a vessel of glory."
God has you ready for every good work, no different than his apostles. Seek good works in your day.
It can be small as a nice gesture, kind words, assisting one that needs help, or anything that is considered good and useful to the master's (God) house. It can be a work that requires more effort that you feel God is leading you to do.
The only thing that you need to do dear vessel of glory is be observant of things around you that may need a good work. What a privilege and honor it is to be set apart as holy, useful to God and prepared (equipped) to do good works!
Published 5/27/2024
Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)
Author: God