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The Shepherd

Lifting You Up

Weekly Devotionals

Week 5 - The Shepherd

I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.

John 10: 14-15 ESV

Jesus was appointed by his Father to care for all of his sheep. God entrusted Jesus with his sheep. We are his sheep.

Jesus shepherds over us being called to

feed his sheep

sent out to find lost sheep

providing good pasture and homes

protecting them from their enemies

healing all their diseases

restoring their souls when they stray from him

watching over them in the night

caring for them

sure to lose none of them

The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.

I am the good shepherd.

Let's take these five words that Jesus spoke to describe himself and his followers and depend on it.

What do you need from the good shepherd? provision, protection, healing, restoration, salvation...

"I am the good shepherd," is spoken by Jesus. These words are not just a promise. "I am the good shepherd" is a description of Jesus. It is an admission by Jesus of his character and his nature.

Depend and trust in the essence of Jesus, the good shepherd.


Published 5/6/2024

Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)

Author: GOD

Portions taken from John Gill's Bible


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