Lifting You Up
Weekly Devotionals
Week 16 - Counselor
counselor - someone that provides direction or instruction
"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever."
John 14:16 RSV
Jesus spoke to the disciples encouraging them that after he leaves the earth, God will send them another Counselor. Jesus was many things to the disciples, and one of them was a counselor. He gave them direction and instruction full of wisdom.
God sent the Holy Spirit to them at the appointed time. The Holy Spirit is described by many words. One is Counselor. This Counselor is now with you and inside you to direct you and instruct you daily. This Counselor is like no counselor on earth. The Holy Spirit gives Holy Wisdom with His guidance. Holy Wisdom.
Remember your Counselor is with you guiding, directing and instructing you with Holy Wisdom.
Remember the Counselor.
Published 7/29/2024
Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)
Author: GOD