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Not Unloved, Greatly Loved

Feeling unloved?

Maybe unwanted?

Neglected perhaps?

Or even abandoned?

Only the world makes you feel this way. Only the world.

When the world makes you feel unloved, unwanted, neglected and abandoned -

Jesus greatly loves you, desperately wants you, very much needs you and cherishes you.

It's all about love when you meet Jesus. Only love.

This week's post was inspired by a song that Jesus brought to my attention one day. The song is “Love Is a Miracle” by Maverick City Music (feat. Majesty Rose and Bri Babineaux). I will include some of the lyrics in this post. I strongly recommend you watch and listen to the “Love is a Miracle” video. It is so beautiful. See it at the bottom of the post.

Are you down in a valley feeling hopeless without love, companionship, or care? Jesus WANTS you! He LOVES you like nothing you can receive from a person. Let your heart feel his love. It is there!

These lyrics describe how those of us who now know Jesus feel. Our hearts find joy in Him. We want you to join us in finding love, peace, and joy in Jesus.

"Love Is a Miracle" by Maverick City Music lyrics (not in specific order)

I was down in the valley Before love came and grabbed me Never thought I'd see the sun again Without no hesitation You became my resurrection All the light that came shining in

When the world said no, You said yes

When the world pushed me to the side, You said yes

You said yes

Oh you said yes

Even when I said no

You said yes

You called out and You said,

“That one is Mine”

Jesus calls YOU and says, “That one is Mine.” Jesus says YES, when the world says no. Jesus says YES, even when you say no.


YOU are greatly loved,

Desperately wanted,

Very much needed,

So cherished.

Encounter real love. Meet Jesus. Jesus died for your salvation. That is how much He loves YOU! Death could not hold back His love for YOU! Jesus is your only way to salvation and true love.

Acts 4:12 AMP

"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among people by which we must be saved [for God has provided the world no alternative for salvation].”

Meet Jesus:

Call on His Name.

Say, “JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, I want to meet You.”

“I need You JESUS.”

“I give you my life. Be my LORD and SAVIOR, and I will be truly loved, wanted, needed and cherished for the rest of my life on earth and in heaven when I see you there.”

If you said these words to Jesus and believe that He died on the cross for you and your sins, you are SAVED by JESUS. Did you hear me? You can join us in the words of this song! You are part of the family of God now!

Feel free to email me at for prayer or questions about Jesus.

Love you all,


Must see video!

Sing along and rejoice in Jesus!


Published 11/10/2020

Writer: Truly Kernea

Author: GOD

Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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