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Meet Jesus. Meet Peace.

Do you need PEACE?

Having trouble finding it on earth?

Supernatural PERFECT peace is available to you.

Meet Jesus, meet peace.

Would you like to meet someone who literally MAKES peace?

He creates peace where there is none.

He brings peace, calm and tranquility into existence.

The peace of Jesus is perfect, supernatural peace.

It can’t be found on earth or with earthly ways.

Perfect peace is from the heavenly realms with Jesus.

This is available and ready for you.

The peace MADE by Jesus is easy.

It does not require effort, exploring reason, understanding why or how, a change of atmosphere, or a listening ear. The perfect peace of Jesus surpasses understanding. It arrives in an unwelcome environment of turmoil, lacking any sense to the human mind. Disorder departs at the approach of this peace without any explanation. The soul finds quiet in the midst of roaring thoughts and concerns. The perfect peace of Jesus is ready and waiting for you, even if you have never met Jesus.

Jesus wants to meet you and introduce you to PEACE. His perfect peace defies all logic. It ignores difficulties that lurk around you. Perfect peace disregards anxiety as anything significant.

Allow me to introduce you to the peace of Jesus.

Hi! My name is Truly. I am the messenger of “The Busy Woman’s Bible Study.” I write under the supreme guidance of our Creator God. He is the author. I am the honored, humble messenger. Today I want you to meet perfect peace. If you have not met the Creator of peace, you have not encountered divine peace. The peacemaker is Jesus. He makes PEACE.

After I met Jesus and accepted Him as my Savior, I have experienced the supernatural peace of Jesus. I recognize it as perfect because it could not possibly have come from me. It is especially evident that the peace is from Jesus when my circumstances and mindset do not offer any natural peace. Many times in my life supernatural peace has come upon me in the midst of trouble, distress, hurt and other disturbing emotions. It is obviously and indisputably a peace that I or earthly assistance could not bring into existence.

Sometimes this peace arrives so abruptly in the middle of chaos in my mind, there is just no other explanation than Jesus. When this occurs I often declare to others “I have evidence that Jesus is in me!” It is blaring proof of Jesus. I love it! It is so exciting to see the supernatural in action! I want the perfect peace of Jesus to come upon you.



Here is your invitation from Jesus for supernatural peace. It is an invitation for you! Wow!

From Jesus to you right now:

“Peace I leave with you; My perfect peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.”

John 14:27 AMP

If you have not met Jesus, it is my pleasure to introduce you now.

Dear reader, new friend, Jesus is with us right now. Say “hello.” He has many things to tell you about his great love for you, but for now He wants to give you peace. Simply accept Him as the Son of God who died on the cross for your sins. Believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Savior, and you are saved.

John 3:16 AMP

For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.

For perfect peace, receive it by saying these words or just ask Jesus for it.

Dear God,

I trust the words of your Son Jesus. He said, “Peace I leave you; My perfect peace I give you.” I receive this peace and know it is true supernatural peace. I will watch for it, recognize it, praise it and see it as direct evidence of Jesus. The perfect peace of Jesus will calm me and give me courage and strength in all I do. Thank you Jesus for this amazing gift of PEACE.

In the name of Jesus I pray,


I am so excited for you dear one! You will see this peace! It will come upon you! Be alert and attentive looking for it. Thank Jesus for it often, even if you don’t see it. It is there. It will rise up. You will not be able to deny it as supernatural.

Love you,


Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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