Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit

Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit
(The Recipe for Stillness – Week 2)
Psalm 37:7 AMP
Be still before the Lord; wait patiently for Him and entrust yourself to Him.
In The Recipe for Stillness – Part 1, we learned the steps to prepare, invite, pray and be still with the Holy Spirit. I have been practicing this recipe along with you. I learn more about my part in the stillness each time. God has more to share with us regarding creating this time with the Holy Spirit. Recently I learned the need for us to be sensitive to Him. Our human senses can play a role in our time with the Holy Spirit.
How can we be sensitive to Him in our time of stillness with Him?
God has the answers for us in The Recipe for Stillness – Part 2. It is so exhilarating! Our time of stillness is going into the Spiritual world even deeper. This is where we want to go. We want a glimpse and a feeling of the unseen world of God. So hang on ladies, we are headed that way. Have fun!
If you read the devotional Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, I am sure you have noticed that Jesus continually asks us to approach Him in stillness. This refers to approaching God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Why stillness? Without question, we can draw near and spend time with them anytime. Yet there must be something of great magnitude about staying still considering the Bible commands it. We understand that it helps us to focus on our time with the Holy Spirit; keeping out more distractions. Actually stillness can mean a still body and mind. A still body at rest is more receptive to contemplating and envisioning the spiritual world of God.
We will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
Let’s start with our body movements and position. To be sensitive to the Holy Spirt after you have spent time in music, let your body be still and calm in a sitting position. Keep physical things, that could cause you to move, out of your space. That would be your phone, your computer, your tablet… (Movement with your music and singing time is fine of course. It is a great preparation for the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit.)
This is the interesting part. We can sense where and what our bodies are doing in our space. This is the work of our vestibular system. The vestibular system supports our balance and our sense of where our body is in our space. This system gives accurate information to the brain about the direction the body is moving.
As your body is not moving, you are aware of something different happening. You are no longer standing, walking, using your hands, arms, feet, legs and more. You are sitting with very little movement. Your brain knows that there is a reason for this. Your eyes are not reading, and your ears are not hearing the physical world. Also, you are not sleeping or resting for sleep.
Your mind, body, soul, and heart are focused on stillness
with no agenda other than to spend time with the Holy Spirit. - WOW!
Your mind sees this. All of you becomes very conscious of the stillness you have chosen. This can be your holy ground. Did you hear that? You can have holy ground in the presence of the Holy Spirit!
Holy ground exists only in the presence of GOD. In Exodus Moses was in the presence of God at the burning bush. God referred to this place as holy ground.
Exodus 3:5 NIV
“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
God has ways to help us become more sensitive to His Spirit. They are very useful and remarkable in our efforts to true stillness. Try these tips from God during your sweet, quiet time with the Spirit of God.
Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit:
(This begins after you spend time in song, invitation, and prayer to the Holy Spirit.)
1. Find a quiet atmosphere without noise and activity. (if possible)
2. Remove physical things in your space that could cause you to move. (phone, tablet, pen, paper…)
3. Use ear plugs if necessary to keep noises from distracting you. (Seriously.)
4. Do not read or write during this time.
5. Sit comfortably with all of your body parts relaxed.
6. Let your mind be completely aware of your still body with no movement and no visual disruptions.
7. Recognize that you have deliberately CHOSEN stillness with the Holy Spirit. (Wow!)
8. Be conscious that you are on HOLY GROUND in the presence of the Holy Spirit. (Amazing!)
9. Relax your body with deep breaths. (Inhale and exhale slowly.)
10. Be still and bring attention to your breaths.
11. These breaths that you feel are the Breath of Life from your CREATOR. (Yes!)
12. As you become more aware of your physical stillness and your breathing, LISTEN.
13. Listen to the Holy Spirit. (even if you hear nothing.)
14. Relish the stillness in this quiet place you have chosen. (Enjoy it.)
15. Don’t expect a voice, but take pleasure being with Him.
16. Acknowledge that you are being sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
17. If your mind wanders, take a few deep breaths loving your breaths of life.
Let a time of stillness with the Holy Spirit be your HAPPY PLACE.
The goal in being quiet with Him is not necessarily hearing His voice; that is an added bonus for sure. It’s more about being faithful to God in being still with Him. It’s a pursuit of the unseen Spiritual world.
Thank you sweet ladies for joining me in this lovely journey learning more about the Holy Spirit!