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To Be Blessed

Do you feel blessed? How do you manage it?

God recently gave me some instruction on how to actually manage your blessings. This lesson and conversation with God opened my eyes to an extremely beneficial part of blessings that I (and probably most of you) have not enjoyed fully. I was surprised to discover this remarkable and crucial lesson that we have missed somehow.

One morning after my sweet daily reading of Jesus Calling, God asked me to sit back and answer a question for him.

God: "How are you feeling Truly?"

I reclined on the sofa, paused, and found an easy answer.

Truly: "I am feeling blessed."

God: "Let's rest in the blessing."

Truly: "How do I rest (slow down) in the blessing God?"

God: "We do."

God: "Let us rest in the blessing together."

God: "Let the blessing soak in."

God: "Let the blessing arrive in your soul."

God: "Let it bless your body."

I pondered the idea of letting a blessing (something good in my life) soak into me. Normally when I see something good happen, I count it as the goodness of God (God's favor), thank Him for it and stop there to move on to something else in life. Yes, I stop and abandon my blessing to continue to my daily life. I give thanks to God feeling so happy about a current blessing and stop there.

Why do I move forward so quickly when I am enjoying and praising God for an obvious blessing from Him?

In this chat with God, He is lovingly instructing us to actually manage the blessing we see. He wants us to take charge of the blessing to truly find joy in it. This joy goes far beyond feelings of happiness; it is an experience. Soaking in the blessing is letting it pass through every part of us, not just having a brief moment of gratitude and happiness.

When you experience or see a blessing, stop. Stop and let it soak in. Give it your full attention. Bathe in it mind, body and soul.

I started doing this a couple of days ago. It started with what some may call a small blessing from God. I received good news, not astounding news, but it was very nice. I felt so happy. I praised God for it as I normally do, but then sat still and let it soak in. I started with deep breaths in an attempt to bring my body along for the ride. Basically, I just let the thought of the blessing and my gratitude to God for it roll over in my mind over and over again. It brought me sincere gladness and a stronger sense of God's love for me.

I took my blessing with intention and managed it. I gave it more care and deliberation. I allowed the blessing in for more than a brief moment. This caused me to revisit it more throughout the day, praising God more. Now days later, I still remember the soaking of that blessing and enjoy it all over again. Wow!

Thank you, God!

Please try this.

Soak in your blessings my dear readers. Take charge of your blessing by deliberately giving it the attention it deserves

2 Corinthians 9:8 AMP

And God is able to make all grace [every favor and earthly blessing] come in abundance to you, so that you may always [under all circumstances, regardless of the need] have complete sufficiency in everything [being completely self-sufficient in Him] and have an abundance for every good work and act of charity.

Published 9/28/2018

Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)

Author: GOD

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