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Welcome the Holy Spirit into Your Atmosphere

Hello Ladies!

We have been learning about and experiencing more of the Holy Spirit the last few weeks, and it has been amazing. My heart and mind have been elevated to new levels of comfort knowing I have heavenly help available every day. I have been describing the Holy Spirit as our Personal Assistant in an attempt for us to form a mental image of him with us on earth. Today I am going to shift to another view that I want you to see. This aspect of the Holy Spirit will take us to a very reverent and loving look at our Helper. This is going to stir your heart and emotions in a way that you will love the Holy Spirit even more.

Have you invited the Holy Spirit into your presence?

Did you tell your Helper that he is welcome into your space and atmosphere where you dwell daily?

I found this song that is a beautiful invitation for him. It is called "Holy Spirit" by Jesus Culture. You may have heard it in church. Today we will take a few lines from the song to create our invitation to the Holy Spirit. I want you to listen to the song in the video I have attached. Ideally I would love for you to listen or watch the video before you continue reading this message and again after you read it. It is a 9 minute performance, but worth every minute of it. Try to listen to at least half of it, because I want your sweet heart to receive this sincere feeling of gratefulness to your Helper. I know you are busy, but give your heart a gift today. Your heart deserves it! Let it have a tender few minutes. Your heart will pay you back with a sense of rest. Ladies I am not going to beg (yes I am), but please soak in this time welcoming your Helper into your life!

Listen to the video now! Pay particular attention to the verses:

“Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”

Did you listen? Did your heart love it?

I will keep this short and go straight to our activity of mediation for the busy week. We will simply go throughout our days, in our atmosphere, and tell our Helper:

“Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”

I think this week would be a perfect time to not to focus on our requests for our Helper, the Holy Spirit, but give him a genuine embrace from our heart. It is a great idea. Right? Your heart is going to be thrilled to get so much attention this week! That wonderful heart of yours has a right to it. You gave it to Jesus. It is a Jesus heart. Treat it well! I love you girls! I just have to take the busy out of you sometimes so you can see how lovely your inside looks to God. I added a few verses to the song to give you an idea of what this very welcome invitation can look like for everyday life.

Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.

In my house and in my car.

In my school where my children are.

In my work and in my grocery store.

In my church when we open the door.

In my yard and in my neighborhood.

In my steps to help me do good.

This week do nothing more than welcome the Holy Spirit with your heart to your atmosphere. Just use these 2 verses:

“Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere.”

Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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