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Hi, I am Truly!


Thank you for visiting my website!

I am so thrilled that you are here.


Just wanted to tell you a few things about my writing and pursuit to help busy women spend more time with their Creator. 


The Beginning of Writing 


It started many years ago at what may seem like an odd time in my life. You see I was going through a sad, shocking divorce. It was the most painful time of my life, yet the most amazing time with my Father God.


I had joined a group of strong women in a Bible study at church. Honestly this was only my second Bible study to ever participate in. It was well needed. This study and those women helped me survive extremely heart breaking matters. So my love for Bible studies began, and surprisingly my passion to write them started soon after.


During this time and years to follow I began to write from God's Word and a still small voice. I did this despite my lack of knowledge. It came out so naturally that I was bewildered with the phenomenon. At times my hands would simply write what I heard in my spirit leaving my mind without a clue of what to expect. I knew in the beginning it was not my choice of words. It was obvious God was the author. I was the messenger. That remains the same today and forever.



My passion

After receiving so much encouragement from the Bible studies I attended, I began to invite friends to studies. I quickly discovered many women are just too busy to go to a group study and work through the homework. That is when our dear Father God instructed me to write Bible studies for busy women.


I grew a great big heart for busy women that missed the Word of God from Bible studies. I have been writing these studies for years, and I am overjoyed to share them with you!


God has brought me here to help you beautiful women spend time with your Creator in a very easy, even natural, way. These studies are compatible with active schedules. I love that you can read them anywhere, anytime and on any digital device. 



Truly Kernea


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